About Us


We are an ex independent financial adviser and ex chief risk officer with over 40 years of experience as finance professionals. We help our clients to design, build, and live their ideal life through excellent financial planning and ongoing financial management. We believe that the greatest investment people can make is in planning to achieve their goals whilst educating themselves on what is possible. Not settling for what you are told and sold, and then taking action, is key to your own financial freedom. We work with clients in lots of different situations who typically fall into one of these categories;

  • Those who are looking to make a lifestyle change such as relocation or changing profession
  • Those who are being made redundant
  • People who want to take control of their pension through a SSAS
  • Business owners who want to retire
  • People who are flying high in the corporate world and want to know what else is out there in terms of getting better returns on their savings
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